Policies and Procedures

Here are all our policy and procedure documents:

Statutory Policies and Procedures

Administering Medication- Updated Jan 2024

Complaints Policy- Updated Jan 2024

Emergency Evacuation Policy-Updated Jan 2024

Missing Child Procedure-Updated Jan 2024

Safeguarding Policy-Updated Jan 2024

Uncollected Child Policy-Updated Jan 2024


Other policies

Admissions and Fees- Updated Feb 2024

Arrivals and Departures- Updated Jan 2024

Babysittin\g Policy- Updated Jan 2024

Child Induction Policy- Updated Jan 2024

Confidentiality Policy

Dangerous Plants Policy- Updated Jan 2024

Emergency Evac, Closure and Shutdown Policy- Updated Jan 2024

Environmental Policy- Updated Jan 2024

Equalities Policy- Updated Jan 2024

EYFS Policy- Updated Jan 2024

First Aid, illness, Infection Control and Accidents Policy- Updated Feb 2024

Fire Safety and Risk Assessment Policy- Updated Jan 2024

Healthy Eating Policy- Updated Jan 2024

Health and Safety Policy- Updated Jan 2024

Intimate Care Policy- Updated Jan 2024

Involving Parents and Carers Policy- Updated Jan 2024

Lockdown Procedure- Updated Mar 24

Lone Working Policy- Created Feb 2024

Mobile Phone and Wearable Technology Policy- Updated Jan 2024

No Platform Policy- Updated Jan 2024

Play Policy- Updated Feb 2024

Positive Behaviour Policy- Updated Mar 2024

Safer Internet Use and Social Media Policy-Updated Jan 2024

Safer Recruitment Policy- Updated Jan 2024

Smoking, Alcohol and Drugs Policy- Updated Jan 24

Suspensions and Exclusions- Created Feb 2024

Visitors Policy- Updated Jan 2024

Warm Weather Policy- Updates June 2024

Whistleblowing Policy- Updated Jan 2024