Is your school in need of high-quality wrap around care provision?

Proposal for schools

We are proud to have won
"Play Setting Of The Year 2022"
at the Club Central Play Conference.

Our proposal is to offer you an independent service to your school, removing the stresses of the everyday management of wrap around care, while offering an outstanding play space for the children.

Our ethos takes PARs Playwork and areas of the Forest School approach to create our unique play experience.

From a school, all we need is a space to run our provision from that has easy access to outdoors, storage for resources and a space to store food for snack.

We are able to offer Breakfast Club, After School Club and Holiday clubs, depending on the needs of the school.

Our clubs run from:

Breakfast club 7:30-start of school.

After school club- end of school- 18:00.

Holiday club- 8:00 – 18:00 (half day options available).

Read our play policy here


“Staff sensitively support all children to join in and take part. Children behave very well and all age groups play harmoniously together for the majority of the time. Staff are positive role models for children and very sensitively manage any occasional disputes that arise. Children respond positively to routines and boundaries, to keep themselves and others safe. Children take great pride in their achievements, such as when they work together to construct and create a large, intricate model and think of different features to add. For example, they comment, 'Look, I've made an invention, a catapult to launch things' and then search for something to resemble 'exploding dynamite'.”

Quote from Our Ofsted report


All of our staff complete, at least basic child protection training, Paediatric first aid training, PARS training, Level 2 food hygiene and online training in FGM and prevent.

Staff are always able to discuss other training to help improve their skills and experiences within Smartkidz.


We pride ourselves on our rigid safeguarding protocols all of our staff hold, at least, basic child protection training and complete FGM and Prevent training online. All of our play leaders complete DSL training.

Staff are asked on supervisions and during club visits by our management team safeguarding questions to keep safeguard procedures fresh in their minds.


“All staff have a clear understanding of the signs and symptoms of abuse, how and where to report any concerns, and wider safeguarding issues. Staff have received appropriate training to enable them to safeguard children from harm, abuse and neglect. This includes the procedures to follow if they have any concerns about the behaviour of a colleague towards children. Recruitment procedures are robust, which ensures children are cared for by suitable adults. Risk assessments are effective. These are carefully considered so that children are able to experience riskier activities but in a safe and supervised way.”

Quote from Our Ofsted report


Read our Safeguarding policy here


Our ethos and vision on play allows play to happen naturally for all children, of all ages and we work hard in making sure all children’s individual needs are met. We make sure that staff get to know the children within their care well so that and work with schools, where necessary, to make sure that children have a smooth transition between school and out of school clubs.


“Staff promote a wholeheartedly inclusive provision. They are fully aware of each child's individual needs and know them well. Staff work closely with the host school and parents to ensure that children are able to fully participate in all that the club offers.”

Quote from Our Ofsted report

Reflecting and improving our service

Reflection is important to us. We use our own Play Quality Assurance, regular team meetings, club observations, parent and child questionnaires and paperwork checks in order to make sure that we are always keeping our settings the best they can be.

We see quality assurance as a whole team role and all staff have input into improving our provision. Our Play Quality Assurance is an ongoing working document that is completed by all staff and action plans are put in place for continuous improvements throughout our settings.


“The provider and manager have a clear aim for the club. This is underpinned by an approach that aims to improve children's social and emotional development and increase their emotional resilience. Children's self-directed play and choice of activities is given high value.”

Quote from Our Ofsted report

Get in Touch


If you are interested in our services at your school, then please get in contact with us by filling in this contact form. In your message, please include; your name, the name of the school and the number of children on roll.


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