Loose Parts Play

picture of boy sawing a piece of wood

Loose parts play

What are loose parts?

A loose parts toy is open ended; Children may use it in many ways and combine with other loose parts through imagination and creation.
(Play Scotland definition)

In each of our setting we aim to create Loose parts play. This is done in a variety of ways from our indoor workshop areas, Junk yards and play sheds.

Workshop area- An indoor space that includes a variety of different resources including- tubes, ribbons, boxes, stones, clips, corks, pasta (dried foods), beads, strings, pots, the list is endless……..

Junk yard- A junk yard is within an outdoor space, usually created with the children using pallets (as seen in picture). This consists of outdoor loose parts including pallets, tyres, crates, ropes, tarpaulins, old bikes, planks of wood and pipes.

Play shed- A shed within an outdoor space consisting of the loose parts seen within the junk yard, as well as dressing up equipment, materiel and fabrics, wigs etc…

Loose parts play can cover so many of the “play types” and allows children to be creative and imaginative.

You can get more information on the Play Wales website